
This website is my little spot on the endlessness that is the internet to show who I am and share personal projects with the rest of the world. It serves as both a showcase for my various activities and interests as well as a kind of modern résumé. Updates may happen at irregular intervals depending on whether there is anything worth showing or telling.
I work as a senior software developer for POOLARSERVER GmbH, a company with passionate developers, providers and operators of collaborative software for projects and offices in the construction industry. Before that, I worked as a principal software developer for half a year at 17K GmbH, a design studio for interactive design and media software development, and as a senior software developer at TeamViewer Germany GmbH, a global leader in innovative remote connectivity and support solutions, for 10 years. On top of that I have about 3 years of experience from internships and side jobs for various companies.
I am intrigued by a vast field of subjects like software development, 3D computer graphics, real-time 3D graphics, photography, photo editing, graphics design, layouting and writing.
Overall, design and development of software is my most pursued passion. Be it writing applications, developing games, coding and designing websites or modelling sophisticated software architectures, I love the freedom and challenges that come with it. Starting from a web developer background with technologies such as HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL, I worked my way through managed languages (Java and C#) to the more traditional programming languages of C and C++.
In my free time, I enjoy playing video games on both the computer and consoles. I also started to create them as a hobby utilizing the amazing Unreal Engine 4 in December of 2014. Aside from that, I am an avid gamer, playing everything from board games, pen & paper roleplaying games. I also like to go jogging and on the occassional hike to keep myself healthy, cook, watch series & movies (including anime & manga) or just hang out with my friends.