Latest Projects

Alien Invasion 2024 cover image
Alien Invasion 2024

A remake of our space invaders-like shoot 'em up game in Godot.

Nerdotellis cover image

A top-down puzzle game realized with the Unreal Engine 4.

little-things Website cover image
little-things Website

Complete overhaul of the website using a static site generator.


Website Project Article and Browse by Tool


I’ve written an article detailing how this website has been rebuilt and it’s now possible to search projects by tool or programming language used.

Website Article

The article focuses on the project portfolio, which is the heart of the website, and shows how it has been implemented. My goals have been to keep maintenance effort to a minimum, make it hard to make mistakes and offer some comfort features for browsing and searching the projects that are usually offered by dynamic websites.

Browse by Tool

When you click on the programming languages or tools icons on a project page you will now land on a project overview page that lists all projects done using the programming language or tool. This allows you to, for example, easily find all projects done in C# or that used the Unreal Engine. It is implement in a similar way to the categories, but with the difference that the categories are retrieved from the project articles, whereas the programming languages and tools are retrieved from JSON data files.

New Game Released and Website Refined


Starforge Games, my hobby game dev team, released a new game project, the navigation has been renamed, there’s a new Featured category, the news section has been overhauled and the site has been internally updated.

Check Out Nerdotellis!

Check out our latest game Nerdotellis, a top-down puzzle game realized using the Unreal Engine 4. It’s a short game (1-2 hours), so don’t worry if you’re short on time. Don’t miss out on the amazing and relaxing soundtrack, that can be streamed and downloaded on Bandcamp!

Last, but not least, there are also some easter eggs to be found… 😉

Changed Navigation Names

The website navigation has been renamed slightly:

  • skills has been renamed to profile: The inspiration here is a career profile, which better describes what you can find on this page as it contains more than just my skills.
  • portfolio has been renamed to projects: A portfolio is supposed to show only the best works, but I use the section as both an archive and a showcase. To allow for both, I introduced a new special category called Featured that includes only my best works and if you want delve into my history, there’s also the All category and the topic-related categories.

astro v2

The website is now generated using the latest astro v2. I’ve migrated the projects area over to use content collections and introduced a new content collection for the news. This makes writing news easier for me and gives me greater flexibility in the future. I also plan to switch over to the new assets system as soon as it’s out of the experimental state.

Website Relaunch!


The website has finally been relaunched after roughly 18 years since its original launch in 2004. It was rebuild from the ground up with the focus being simplicity and speed, so I neither use much JavaScript nor any web frameworks.

The Technology

The biggest framework in use is Bootstrap 5 to make the website accessible and fully responsive. Apart from that it’s basically plain HTML and CSS. Of course, I didn’t really handcraft every single HTML page. Rather, I used a cool, new static site generator (SSG) called Astro. This allows me to dynamically generate content like the project overview page and the project category pages, including comfort features like pagination, by writing “offline” JavaScript that tells Astro how to compile my website. The end result then, when I build the website, is a good, old-fashioned static HTML site.